Using WeatherLink.com to view your data
- Yes, you can
- In fact, it is a good idea to if you plan to export your historic data from the website, as if you have NZ options set up in your Excel spreadsheet, and you export a copy with USA date and time options, your data will be missing or incorrect
- Log in to weatherlink.com, click on the person icon on the right side of the screen. Select Unit Measurements from the menu options. This will bring up options for measurements of wind, pressure, and several others.
- To adjust your time and date displays, log in to weatherlink.com, click on the person icon on the right side of the screen. Select Display Formats from the menu options
- Go to the Data tab. You need the Pro Tier of the website to do this
- Select the start date for the data you want from the calendar icon box on the left hand side near the top
- Select which time period you wish to download. You have several choices. The longest is one year, so you may need to repeat the process with different start dates
- Click on the Data Export button (a square with an arrow pointing to the top right corner)
- Select an email address for your data to be sent to
- Your data will be sent in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format
- Basic Tier: No charge. Just create one login for both the website and the WeatherLink app
- Pro Tier: paid annually in advance on the website. Cost is USD$ 3.95 per month. The annual cost is about NZD$80 (depends on exchange rate)
- Pro+ Tier: paid annually in advance on the website. Cost is USD$ 8.95 per month. The annual cost is about NZD$175 (depends on exchange rate)
- There are discounted three year plans
No, you don’t. The Pro subscription is included in your annual EM Gateway service plan
- You will need to choose the station you want to use with the Pro Upgrade and apply it to that station. This is because some users have more than one station and might have Basic Tier access for some stations and Pro for others
- To apply the upgrade, log into weatherlink.com and click on the cog icon next to the device tier. Then select ‘Upgrade to Pro’
- Use the Bulletin page to view your current data from your station. You can arrange the tiles
- Set up alarms
- Upload your weather data to a selection of other sites, such as Weather Underground and WOW (used by the New Zealand MetService)
- Search the WeatherLink map (by location or station name) for other stations around New Zealand and the world
- Use the two versions of the WeatherLink map: for temperatures and weather conditions or for air quality
- Use the Graphs tab to select sensors and weather variables to graph over time*
- Use the Data tab to view and download your historic data*
- Use the Mobilize tab to view your custom chilling hours, growing degree days, frost forecast and soil moisture monitoring*
* requires the Pro Tier of the website
- Check that your date settings on weatherlink.com are set to the New Zealand format of: day/month/year as if your computer or Excel format setting is NZ format and your WeatherLink account is American format, the data will be affected.
- See the question above in the FAQs on how to change the time and date display
Basic Tier: If you are happy looking at your data on your console and the WeatherLink app. (The WeatherLink Console does have a number of ways to view your historic data on the console)
Pro Tier: If you want to do any or all of the following: download your historic data, use the Mobilize app, use the Chart or Graph features on weatherlink.com, if you want a faster third party upload or archive time (five minutes compared to 15 minutes for the Basic Tier) or share your station data with another WeatherLink account (Pro Tier allows you to share with six other users)
Pro+ Tier: Only a very few of our customers need this. The Pro+ Tier gives all the Pro Tier benefits plus access to the Davis Integrated Pest Management (IPM), one minute upload rate and archive interval, and ten Pro Shares
These tabs require a current subscription to the Pro Tier of the website. If you have not subscribed, or your subscription has lapsed, you will not be able to access these tabs