Which subscription tier is right for me: Basic, Pro, or Pro+?
Basic Tier: If you are happy looking at your data on your console and the WeatherLink app. (The WeatherLink Console does have a number of ways to view your historic data on the console)
Pro Tier: If you want to do any or all of the following: download your historic data, use the Mobilize app, use the Chart or Graph features on weatherlink.com, if you want a faster third party upload or archive time (five minutes compared to 15 minutes for the Basic Tier) or share your station data with another WeatherLink account (Pro Tier allows you to share with six other users)
Pro+ Tier: Only a very few of our customers need this. The Pro+ Tier gives all the Pro Tier benefits plus access to the Davis Integrated Pest Management (IPM), one minute upload rate and archive interval, and ten Pro Shares