Tell me more about Davis Instruments terminology and abbreviations
There are a lot of phrases and terms used by Davis
- Integrated sensor suite, ISS and sensor suite: all refer to a collection of sensors mounted together with a transmitter. There are two varieties, the Vantage Vue and the Vantage Pro 2 (VP2). Usually an ISS compares favourably to the price of one sensor and transmitter
- Vue and VP2: The two varieties of Davis sensor suites, Vantage Vue and Vantage Pro 2
- WeatherLink: usually refers to a Davis software or data product. There are the data loggers and serial interfaces, the PC Desktop software, the new console, the Live, the app and the website: all use WeatherLink in the name
- EnviroMonitor (EM): The latest Davis system. Two options: a cellular Gateway that uses the Spark network to get data to and the WeatherLink app or an IP Gateway. The EM systems add extra sensors using the EM Node
- Weather Station: Usually (but not always) used by Davis to mean a bundle (sensor suite and console) sold together
- 24 hour fan-aspirated radiation shield (FARS): The standard radiation shield surrounds the temperature/humidity sensor to stop direct sunlight from impacting your temperature reading. It relies on the wind to circulate the air inside the radiation sensor. The 24hr FARS unit is an extra feature on the Vantage Pro 2 Sensor Suites, and has a battery powered fan to circulate the air
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